Generally, we visit 1-2 Swiss Historic Hotels per year. For some reason we ended up visiting 4 this year. The first one we stayed at this year is one that is fairly new on the list. We booked a room at the Türmlihus in Fideris. Nestled in the hills of the Prättigau, the village of […]
Book Review / Rezension: Kulinarische Zeitreisen

Those of you who have been following my blog for a while know that we are avid visitors of Swiss Historic Hotels. These beautiful old buildings, which clearly have a story to tell, are of great interest to us, not only because of their history but also the way they are built and the special […]
Walking Along Klöntalersee

We had a beautiful Indian summer filled with sunshine and blue skies before the temperatures dropped. Almost overnight there was frost, the harbinger of winter. We bundled up into our winter jackets and made our way to walk along a well-known lake in the Canton of Glarus, Klöntalersee. The ride up to the lake is […]
Along the Moselle River

At the end of July we spent a weekend in Cochem on the Moselle river. From there we visited castles, took a boat along the river and walked through vinyards and forests. Cochem is a cute place with a castle presiding over the town and definitely worth a visit. Right after arriving an checking into […]
Hiking Through the Dolomites

There is just something about hiking that I love. I don’t love carrying a heavy backpack, but I enjoy exploring on foot, and what better way is there to actually really get to know an area, to dive into a landscape and slow down than hiking. We had such a good time getting to know […]