Val Trupchun, Graubünden, CH (October 2018)
Postcard from the Thuringian Forest
A few weekends ago we spent the day driving and walking through the Thuringian Forest in Germany. It was at peak foliage and it was a wonderful feeling to be bathing in that golden light that only exists at this time of the year.
Postcard from Pt. Reyes
Pt. Reyes National Seashore is a place which has given me many happy memories over the years and it was only natural that I wanted to visit it again. I have seen it with the sun shining brightly and in thick, moist fog, and always the wind tousling my hair. It was there I took […]
About half a year before my trip to the US, I was listening to NPR and happened to hear about Lotusland, a large garden in Santa Barbara. It sounded interesting and after looking it up online, I asked my aunt if she had ever been. She answered she hadn’t even heard of it and would […]