Frankfurt (Germany), September 2019
The End of the Road
The car is quiet as we drive back to Denver. We are both reflective as this road trip comes to an end and muse about the fun and luck we had on this drive across Colorado and back again. All journeys must come to an end before we can embark on new ones. We sat […]
Black Canyon Of The Gunnison National Park
We stood at the rim of the canyon and looked down, trying to find the river at the bottom of the canyon. In the broad daylight the steep cliffs, and craggy spires are a deep black with crisscrossed white lines. These cliffs are made mostly of Precambrian gneiss and schist and the lighter colored dikes […]
The Million Dollar Highway
In the morning after a delicious breakfast at Jean Pierre’s French bakery in Durango, we head north through the San Juan Mountains, along what is called the Million Dollar Highway. As we drove through the mountains, gaining elevation, the air became clearer, the vegetation lush and green and the peaks higher. The highest pass, Red […]