This summer has definitely been one for the books. Just as quickly as it came, it went, and now we’re easing into autumn. It’s raining now, the sky is overcast, but this summer has left me happy. After last year’s virtually non-existent summer, I savored every moment of sun this year, never knowing how long […]
Summer in the Austrian Alps

The day after school was out for the summer, we packed our bags and were off to Austria for a week of hiking in the Alps. Since we had rented a car, we took the scenic route. We drove over passes, pulled over to the side of the road to photograph lakes and rivers, stopped […]
Strawberry Shortcake

Waiting for strawberries is so hard. They are the first fruit after the winter citrus and every year it seems like it takes forever until the first ones ripen in the garden. Once the end of May/beginning of June rolls around, I start looking for the little red berries. I refuse to buy any that […]
Roasted Asparagus with Mozzarella

The asparagus season is slowly coming to a close, and I’d like to share one of my favorite dishes I made this year. I like asparagus so much, that we’ve even planted some in our garden. It will take three years before we’ll be able to have a full harvest, but you’ve got to start […]
Stuffed Peppers

This is a dish I remember my mother making in Summer. While many recipes for stuffed peppers call for rice and/or meat, this version has neither. Instead, the peppers are filled with feta and dill. This dish is very easy to prepare and can be on the table within the hour. I like to serve […]
Summer Salad with Berries

I eat a lot of salad, varying ingredients according to the season. In Summer I particularly like to add berries, going for a sweet-savory taste. This particular salad was inspired by the delicious salads I had on our trip to Riga. The combination is not a new one to me. If “salade de chèvre chaud” […]