Whenever the first pear drops to the ground, I feel as if late summer has started and we are quickly making our way to autumn. The past two years, I posted first a recipe for zucchini rolls and then two summer salads. This has been an interesting garden year to say the least. We had […]
Fixed-rope route: Tälli

In preparation for an upcoming hike in the Dolomites, we went in search of a fixed-rope route. After our four days in Ticino, we decided we still needed to do a fixed-rope route before heading out to the Dolomites. My husband picked Switzerland’s first route which opened in 1992. It’s one of the nicest and […]
Across Three Valleys in Ticino

A long holiday weekend in early June saw us hiking from north to south through 3 valleys in Ticino. Our hike started above the Val di Vergeletto. We could have hiked up from the valley floor, but it was already noon by the time we arrived and we still had a ways to go so […]
Peach and Blackberry Shortcakes

The blackberries this year are amazing and they have been ripening faster than we can eat them. I’ve already made a batch of my favorite blackberry jam, made blackberry ice cream and have been eating them by the handful for breakfast or while working around the garden. My tongue is probably purple by now. I […]
Savoring Zurich

After our foodie weekends in Göteborg (Gothenburg), Bra and Turin, Alex and I were a bit stumped where to go next. We debated Berlin, London, Helsinki, Copenhagen and several others but tossed them again: too expensive, too far, been there too often, etc. Then Alex suggested Zurich. Zurich? Isn’t that too expensive, you ask? Yes […]
Walking on the Beaches of Usedom

In the far northeastern part of Germany lies the island of Usedom, Germany’s second largest island, and one of the worldwide few islands to be divided by two different countries. After our trip to Rome last February, my mom and I looked into what we wanted to visit this year. We had already visited Rügen, […]