Bryce Canyon, UT, USA (June 2018)
Around the Cape Peninsula
It was in the early hours of the morning when I stepped off the plane in Cape Town. The arrival in the second country I’ve visited in Africa was very different from when I walked across the tarmac at the Kilimanjaro Airport in Tanzania four years ago. The most noticeable difference was the missing smell […]
Black and White Cape Peninsula
I met a fantastic group of people at the workshop I attended in Venice in November, and we are still in contact. Long exposure black and white photography has become a new adventure, and I’ve been practicing and learning with every image I make. When one of the attendees from the workshop asked me if […]
Postcard from Pt. Reyes
Pt. Reyes National Seashore is a place which has given me many happy memories over the years and it was only natural that I wanted to visit it again. I have seen it with the sun shining brightly and in thick, moist fog, and always the wind tousling my hair. It was there I took […]