Every year around the end of March when the camellias begin to bloom, people head to Locarno to visit the camellia festival. Boasting over 950 different camellias, Locarno features one of Europe’s most important camellia parks. Walking through the park, many different languages can be heard. During the festivities there are concerts, stands with information […]
A Day in Funchal

On our last full day on the island of Madeira we took the cable car down from where we were staying Monte and spent the day roaming the streets of the capital, Funchal. Our first stop was the famous Mercado dos Lavradores (Farmer’s Market) which is in every guide book. While it was interesting to […]
A Burst of Spring

Spring: that time of the year when the cycle begins again. When bulbs push up their leaves and boast colorful flowers, when meadows seem to go from brown to green within days, when trees are covered with clouds of white and pink blossoms. This year, spring came late but then let everything happen at once. […]
Wild Garlic Spätzle

Towards the end of winter, I start yearning for greens. I start to tire of potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables and want something fresh and vibrant on my plate. Although winter isn’t completely devoid of greens, I eat my fair amount of kale and bitter greens such endive and radicchio, I still miss the […]