With another case of cabin fever, and my last outing dating a month back, I decided it was time to get out and do some hiking. I watched the weather very closely and when it looked good, I was on my way. There weren’t too many options because it’s still fairly early in the year. […]
Rose Study

While working on my study of tulips in the garden, I was already planing on doing the same for the roses in my garden. I have to warn you, that in the following post not all roses in my garden are represented. This is because I have early and late bloomers. As with tulips, I […]
Tulip Study

Tulips have always fascinated me and over the years I have learned that they don’t all look like something painted by a Dutch master, but rather come in all shapes and colors. I have several different ones in my garden but every year I add more. There is always a tulip, more often than not […]
Flowers for Happiness

“If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for a moment.” Georgia O’Keeffe Working in the garden today, I let my thoughts flow. Especially now during trying times, I feel it’s vital to not take everything for granted, to be compassionate, to give kindness, and to open […]