Salads are often pushed into the background, to be enjoyed as a side dish or first course. But salads can be meals in their own right and a lot of the lunches I make to take with me to work are salads. These salads have to be nourishing enough to get me through the rest […]
The Mighty Kale

I started eating kale long before the hype began and for the past few years I’ve been growing it in my garden. When I read an article in the paper several days ago, I thought it may be time to blog about it. Everyone is talking about kale and how wonderful it is. Well, almost […]
Lemony Herbed Bulgur Salad

I’ve made this salad so many times the past few weeks, and I just can’t stop eating it. The herbs in the garden are back and we’ve been adding them to everything. It’s so nice to have something fresh on our plates. I started making this salad with frozen peas, then I bought a bag […]
Herbed Garbanzo Bean Salad

I look out the window, there is no snow, and it’s unseasonably warm. I long for snow and cold, and I know nature does, too. When will winter arrive? I think back to our trip to Norway last year, and I wonder if we should have decided to go again this year. Just to have […]