Unlike last year when we could hardly keep up with the garden, this summer season has been off to a slow start. It rained a lot, and I had to replant a lot of things. Then it got hot and the plants couldn’t take the sudden temperature change, especially when the temperatures dropped again. But […]
Summer in the Garden
This summer has definitely been one for the books. Just as quickly as it came, it went, and now we’re easing into autumn. It’s raining now, the sky is overcast, but this summer has left me happy. After last year’s virtually non-existent summer, I savored every moment of sun this year, never knowing how long […]
Roasted Asparagus with Mozzarella
The asparagus season is slowly coming to a close, and I’d like to share one of my favorite dishes I made this year. I like asparagus so much, that we’ve even planted some in our garden. It will take three years before we’ll be able to have a full harvest, but you’ve got to start […]