Never-Ending Snow

It began snowing on a Thursday and didn’t stop until Friday afternoon. It has been many years since we’ve had this much snow and it’s beautiful in every way. As soon as I had shoveled myself a way out of the house and it had stopped snowing, I grabbed my camera and went out for […]

Bachtel Sunrise

After almost a week of overcast days and some rain and snow, New Year’s Eve morning promised to be stunning. Instead of sleeping in I grabbed my camera, donned my winter boots and went out in the biting wind to capture the sunrise. The mountain nearest where I live is called Bachtel and admittedly it’s […]

ViaRhenana: Days 8 & 9

Walking the last two segments of the ViaRhenana was like coming full circle. I had begun the trail at the end of lockdown, and now I was finishing it before another impending lockdown. When I arrived in Bad Säckingen in November, the sun was shining. Day 8: When I started out on the second to […]

ViaRhenana: Day 7

The first six segments of this hike along the Rhine River were multi-day hikes. The first hike was in summer and the second hike in late summer, early autumn. With three segments left, I tried to decide how I wanted to divvy up the last three days. In the end, the weather was forecasted to […]